Thursday, July 30, 2009

Blog#5 DRM

What do I think about this problem? Having new knowledge will make you more successful, secure in yourself to know that the secret to the this copyright law will be more of a secret and concrete if you find a way to make this product better and solid. The method is to know who will keep the secret safe and the people that create the code will you have to wonder if those people will break the code. That is a lot, a lot  of trust between scientists and the corporation. The attacker is also the recipient. People should know.  

You don't have to be "Geek"  to know what DRM is all about. Yes, it can get you in trouble and yes it is a little easy to figure out how the Digital rights management works. The risk of this product is if you get caught copying from a DVD you can serve time or get a huge fine. You know when you watch a movie and that big blue ugly screen pops up with fine ugly black print written all up and down the screen and it tells you that if you copy this DVD you can get a fine worth up to250,000 dollars or you can got to jail and not pass go to collect your 200 dollars? Well that is DRM. It is copying someone else's idea to please you in your home or yourself personally. You rent a movie and your thinking about copying it you wonder whether it is a good idea or not but then you just forget about it and think you have the right because who will find out or the question is who really gives a flying hoot? Well that is what we all say and why would "they" make a product that can get hacked easily and yet this product is still on the market today and multi-billion dollar companies are buying this still?Are you on Glue!!! You want to know what I think and the reaction that comes to my mind is why bother reading the fine print on that ugly T.V screen who cares people do what they want whenever they want so let people live their lives the way they want to. Getting caught doing this act would be stupid on their part and its like getting pulled over and getting a ticket for having your window down. Everyone does this and everyone does not seem to care. People poor money lots of it into the economy if you say the words FREE and Don't get caught then you have a deal. If their is a will people make a way. If you can download a product that can help you hack this DRM key off the internet then why are people stilling writing about this problem gosh darn it go out and fix the problem! It is "their" fault they made a faulty program but it is not the peoples fault when it comes to copying people's ideas. If it's easy to do then their going to do it that is just what the economy does. Haven't you lived long enough to realize this for yourself? They put this problem in our hands its like bringing you into a candy store and telling you you can't have anything that is just torture. Suffer the consequences boys! Get over yourselves stop worrying about what people are saying make it work and do it productively. 

People thinking they can get away with anything they want. They think if they have the money then they have the right to do as they please. That is bull shit! Spoiled little brats who just stomp their feet every time they want something to go their way. Yes thats right I am talking about the problem that has addressed the world with the kindle and the book 1984 and Animal Farm. Amazon took all copies of 1984 and Animal Farm off everyones kindle mind you that was a breech of theircontract. What I don't understand is someone should sue and if you can't then Amazon should at least give out a free book to everyone and let them pick out the one they want no matter how high the price. We "us" the people always get to be the brunt of every joke this time it has to stop. We "us" the people need to work more together thinking of ideas of how this company did you wrong and what you want them to do about your problem. People not only had their books get taken off their kindles but had their work STOLEN from them their personal annotations. How frustrating is this to know that people think they can act like God and become Big Brother. Seriously this world is turning for the worst we just had our market crash what's next is China taking over?  I was watching a late night show on I can not remember what T.V show it was but it was late night comedy and a writer was promoting his product and it was a book about the economy and what is happening about our world today. So I was watching trying not to fall asleep of boredom and all I heard was money money money. When I poked my head above the covers and sat up I was noticing that the man that wrote the book was telling us something. What do you call it? Oh yeah I was reading between the lines and figuring out that this man was telling us that if we went out into the market and buy, buy, buy everything we want and more then the market will go up and people will survive in this world. Now, you have to go out to a store buy a lot and "us" the people will make it out of this depression that were in? Wow so simple for you to say right? Your not the one worrying about loosing everything you worked hard for. Now your telling us to buy more pointless products that have no personal value in our lives to make us live better. BULL SHIT! This world is corrupt with to much criptonoight, yes I did I said it and I admit it I do like comics and will quote from. They will reach a solution but of course they will always be to late when they figure out how to save their behinds first. 

1 comment:

  1. Hello,

    Nice blog! Digital rights management is a far-reaching term that refers to any scheme that controls access to copyrighted material using technological means. The use of DRM content publishers has helped to reduce piracy, while extending their markets, reduce costs and allowing their customer's direct delivery of its content. Thanks a lot for sharing this blog with everyone.

    What Is Digital Rights Management
